DBM Systems Ltd will begin May 2020 deploying a virtual approach to the S&OP Accelerator™ methodology.
PRESS RELEASE – May 12, 2020 10:10 AM EDT
KITCHENER, May 12, 2020 – Covid-19 has heightened uncertainty around the world. The disruption injected into the global supply chain means broken steady-state planning in almost every sector. Demand plans can no longer be relied upon. In this environment, companies need the executive discipline of S&OP more than ever. They must reset their sales and operation plans quickly to survive.
To support rapid deployment of S&OP at this crucial time, DBM is launching The Virtual S&OP Accelerator™.
Prior to the current crisis, DBM’s S&OP Accelerator™ has helped many companies implement effective S&OP processes. This proven rapid-deployment process relied on a mix of “high-touch” consulting, remote support, and robust tools to deliver results. DBM’s ability to continue to work this way, however, has changed. The social distancing necessary to limit the spread of this global pandemic has greatly reduced or eliminated travel and made in person meetings impossible.
The Virtual S&OP Accelerator™ takes the entire Accelerator™ process on-line for full, remote deployment. By taking advantage of their proprietary technology and industry-standard tools, DBM is able to take the implementation process completely on-line. They are moving companies forward NOW to create planning cycles that may save their business.
The Virtual S&OP Accelerator™ is built on DBM’s cloud-based Executive S&OP Tool. The Tool supports Executive S&OP decision making almost immediately, clearly presenting data in The 5-Section Sheet*. The Virtual S&OP Accelerator™ framework provides training, tools, and templates to enable the process in an event-driven framework. Industry standards, like MS Teams and SharePoint, facilitate collaboration and project management to keep the process on track.
The benefits of The Virtual S&OP Accelerator™ are:
Rapid deployment. DBM’s current methodology is already the fastest in the industry
Faster results. A defined and proven process enabled by industry standard collaboration tools like MS Teams and SharePoint keeps you on track.
Significantly reduced investment. Automated deployment, zero travel and focused events all yield improved efficiency.
A more focused learning experience. On-line learning events are much smaller, available on your own schedule, and can be repeated if required. Feedback validates comprehension.
A cloud-based platform for your S&OP process. The DBM Tool is an enterprise solution, purpose-built for Executive S&OP supporting decision-making across your organization.
DBM is prepared to keep a safe distance and use The Virtual S&OP Accelerator to help clients establish a strong, repeatable monthly S&OP processes today, at a time when it is needed most. If you are thinking about improving your Executive S&OP process, DBM is the place to start.
About DBM Systems

DBM Systems Ltd. has been at the forefront of Sales and Operations Planning (S&OP) thinking since 1980. Their team of consultants are providing proven S&OP solutions for industry leaders across the world. DBM has helped hundreds of organizations achieve their objectives, and they’re ready to help you, too. Find out more at www.dbmsys.com.